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UO would work whole heartedly to design and develop following products for UCBs. This is just a glimpse and detailed working on each product is needed including the SOP.

  • Technology support function.
  • Assistance in Regulatory Compliance.
  • Designing generic Risk Management Matrix.
  • Helping Banks in structuring Compliance Management structure.
  • Helping in commencing Risk Based Internal Audits with rating matrix.
  • Assistance in various policy formation with execution matrix
  • Standardised Banking Operations manual.
  • Help and support in KYC/CKYC and UCIC on the basis of improvements in existing practices.
  • Compliance culture designing and implementing.
  • Specific assistance in respect of CTR/STR.NTR etc.
  • Specific assistance in respect of CTR/STR.NTR etc.
  • Building a pool of Lawyers/Chartered Accountants/Valuers from each region across the country.
  • Building a pool of Professional Trainers in Banking matters which UCBs can draw upon on the basis of their needs of Capacity Building.
  • Specific Professional Capacity Building programmes with the help of RBI Cab/NCUI/VAMNICOM etc.
  • Focus on capacity building initiatives for the Directors of UCBs.